Social Justice How You Read Science News Depends—a Little—on Your Political Beliefs More accurate science reporting helps everybody, but it's mitigated by how liberal or conservative people are. Francie Diep
News in Brief Happiness: Conservatives Proclaim It, Liberals Display It New research throws into question the belief that right-wingers tend to be happier than those on the left. Tom Jacobs
News in Brief Can You Guess Someone’s Political Preferences by the Size of Their House? The idea of the urban liberal and the rural conservative is not a new one, but it's shocking just how accurate that stereotype appears to be. Lisa Wade
News in Brief Why Would Rudy Giuliani Say Something Like That? Conservatives and liberals like to hear different things from their leaders. Seth Masket
Social Justice Accurately or Not, Conservatives Perceive Themselves as United New research suggests this impression of consensus can cut two ways, inspiring both activism and a false sense of confidence. Tom Jacobs
Social Justice Liberal Bloggers Are More Likely to Acknowledge Other Points of View New scholarship finds major differences in the way liberal and conservative bloggers argue their positions. Tom Jacobs
Social Justice First-Born Children Are More Likely to Grow Up Into Conservatives New research from Italy suggests the effect is independent of the ideology of one’s parents. Tom Jacobs
News in Brief The Radical Political Center That Somehow Never Rises Is it even possible for our country to support a moderate political party? Seth Masket
Economics There’s No Place Like My Ideologically Homogeneous Home Driven by a deep-seated need to belong, Americans are increasingly segregating themselves into ideological enclaves. You're from Liberalville, I'm from Conservative Corners. Tom Jacobs
Economics The Happiness of the Extreme Right Winger Canadian researchers find high levels of well-being among people who have an authoritarian streak. Tom Jacobs