Social Justice Homeopathy Not All It’s Quacked Up to Be Professional skeptic James Randi's offer to pay a million dollars to the maker of any homeopathic remedy that actually works points out the logical fallacies in this branch of 'medicine.' Peter M. Nardi
Social Justice Halloween Horrors and Common Sense Mythology aside, not everyone who listened to that famous ‘War of the Worlds’ radio broadcast went bonkers. Peter M. Nardi
Social Justice Moral Panics and Rumors When the world turns its mean side to the public, rumors amplified in the Internet/cable news age often slip past our critical thinking skills. Peter M. Nardi
Books & Culture News in Brief Previous Site Sections Logically Absurd and Contradictory In honing your home logic skills, try reducing any argument to its basic premise at the extremes of its subject. Peter M. Nardi
Social Justice Questioning Questions in Evaluating Polls How you ask, what you ask and when you ask can all affect what you get in conducting polls. Peter M. Nardi