Bolsonaro's angry, populist campaign rhetoric led many newspapers and public figures worldwide to declare his candidacy a threat to the country's 33-year-old democracy.
The federal government has released data on how states will spend money set aside for election infrastructure. But questions remain about how much it will help secure the 2018 election.
While most of the attention is focused on the growing economic crisis in the country, Recep Erdoğan must deal with another serious problem: democratic dissent.
Prime minister Hun Sen wants it both ways: He wants to claim a democratic mantle but doesn't want to deal with the pesky competition that comes with a genuine election.
If liberal-democratic countries don't do more to challenge trends toward authoritarian Web practices, the reigning view of the Internet may soon become far more restrictive.
Harvard University political scientist Theda Skocpol argues the conservative takeover of the federal government has a silver lining for liberals: It is inspiring more activism.