Economics Vancouver’s Wild World of De Facto Density Adding to racial redlining, zoning attempts to regulate human behavior, restricting residents just as it does developers. Jim Russell
Social Justice The Geopolitics of Gentrification The international market for U.S. real estate looks nothing like the domestic market for U.S. real estate. Jim Russell
Social Justice Illusion of Local: Why Zoning for Greater Density Will Fail to Make Housing More Affordable We keep fudging the facts in order to maintain the preferred narrative. Jim Russell
Social Justice Density Boondoggles: Innovation Districts Migration, not greater density, drives technological change. Jim Russell
Social Justice Richard Florida Explains Why Density Doesn’t Impact Innovation The more parochial a place, the more ineffective the talent. Jim Russell
Economics Urban Myths of Innovation: Density and Serendipity In a city, serendipity isn't a given. Two ships may pass in the night and that's it. Jim Russell
Economics Diversity Cult Ethnic and racial diversity locked up in poor neighborhoods on Chicago's South Side does little good for the regional economy. So why do many blindly associate ethnic diversity with economic development? Jim Russell