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74 posts
Your Stem Cells Are Here to Stay
The controversy surrounding them probably isn't going anywhere, either.
Supreme Court Rules Unanimously That Human Genes Cannot Be Patented
But some questions still remain unanswered.
Why You Should Be Scared of Someone Stealing Your Genome
Genome theft is already a possibility, and that problem looks like it's only going to grow.
Will DNA Be the Hard Drive of the Future?
If you can say it in words, you can store it in nucleotides, experimenters have confirmed. And is the new storage medium durable? You bet your Jurassic Park it is.
Fifty-Fifty: Whether to Test for Huntington’s Disease
“I had no idea which of my parents carried the gene,” writer Mona Gable recounts. But the death of her brother led her to find out if she carried the marker.
DNA Testing Beyond Death Row: In Colder Blood
In 2000, only two U.S. states had laws allowing post-conviction access to DNA testing. A dozen years later,…
Parsing Just Compensation for Wrongful Convictions
Sue Russell’s nine-piece look at wrongful convictions didn’t include two cases in the news this week, those of…
Seeking Second Chances Without DNA
DNA testing has overturned many wrongful convictions but the vast majority of criminal cases have no DNA to test. And some of those inmates’ convictions are also flawed.