Environment Is There Really a Link Between Climate Change and National Security? It would appear so, going by current research. Madeleine Thomas
Environment Why Are We Allowing Uranium Miners to Pollute Groundwater in Drought Zones? Uranium mining threatens aquifers that could provide the drought-stricken West with emergency water supplies. Brian Palmer
Environment Hello, El Niño: The Pacific Ocean Is Looking a Lot Like It Did in 1997 Forecasters say we have a 95 percent chance of having an El Niño event this winter, but predicting its local effects is iffier. Francie Diep
Environment Why Are People Looting Clear Lake? Thanks to drought and wildfire, previously hidden archaeological sites are now being exposed to passersby. And that's leading to a lot of theft. Madeleine Thomas
Environment This Year’s Sierra Nevada Snowpack Was the Lowest It’s Been in 500 Years A major source of fresh water for California hit a historic nadir this spring. Francie Diep
Environment Is It Worthwhile to Pay People to Get Rid of Their Lawns? In times of drought, cities offer cash for grass. Francie Diep
Economics The High Cost of California’s Drought A new analysis quantifies the impact of the drought in the world's eighth-largest economy. Francie Diep
Environment Six Terrible, Singularity University-Inspired Pitches for Disrupting California’s Drought An open application to the university’s Impact Challenge. Susie Cagle
Environment California Is Missing the Pineapple Express A new analysis of satellite data from 1979 onward offers details about the atmospheric conditions that have created California's current drought. Francie Diep