Social Justice How the Ebola Epidemic Will Lead to Measles Outbreaks Too The Ebola epidemic will likely lead to outbreaks of other diseases, but countries could prevent that with vaccination campaigns. Francie Diep
Social Justice When a Patient’s Health Problems Are Used as Hospital PR In a recently filed lawsuit, Ebola-infected nurse Nina Pham says that a colleague videotaped her without her permission and then the hospital she was treated in released the tape to the media, violating her privacy. Charles Ornstein
Social Justice Don’t Panic Over This Latest ‘Superbug’ If recent history is any indication, we're well-equipped for this scary new bacteria. Wes Judd
Social Justice Can We Ever Really Eradicate a Disease? Experts are debating whether an Ebola vaccine can eradicate the disease in 2015. They’re getting way ahead of themselves. M. Sophia Newman
News in Brief When Disease Becomes Political: The Likely Electoral Fallout From Ebola Will voters blame President Obama—and punish Democrats in the upcoming mid-term elections—for a climate of fear? Seth Masket
Social Justice Why Ebola Is Winning In the fight against the latest Ebola outbreak, underfunded medical workers in West Africa are logistically outmanned. John Upton
Social Justice Sharing Malaria with the African Thicket Rat Until now, the most deadly form of malaria in humans, Plasmodium falciparum, has been linked to the disease… Matt Palmquist