Social Justice Placing Hand Over Heart Promotes Honesty Polish researchers find a simple gesture not only conveys the impression of honesty, but also prompts more truthful replies. Tom Jacobs
Social Justice The Mind-Body-Metaphor Connection New research shows that if you're holding something heavy, you'll take things more seriously. Why? Lisa Wade
Economics Unable to Grasp Alternative Viewpoints? Chill Out. New research suggests cool temperatures help us grasp the fact that not everyone has the same information that we possess. Tom Jacobs
Economics How to Bolster Your Willpower at the Supermarket New research finds grocery shoppers who carry grocery baskets are more likely to purchase unhealthy food than those pushing a shopping cart. Tom Jacobs
Social Justice To Feel Good, Reach for the Sky New research finds upward physical movements inspire positive memories. Tom Jacobs
Economics Engaging the Body Yields Behavioral Benefits A new study finds that using motor skills while being asked to change behavior makes it more likely you'll follow the advice. Tom Jacobs