Environment The ‘Secret Science’ Rule Could Prevent the EPA From Using a Key Global Buildings Study Scott Pruitt's proposed policy would allow the EPA to develop significant policies using only studies that rely on publicly available data. Rebecca Worby
Social Justice The Trump Administration Will Build a ‘Tent City’ to House Migrant Children This temporary housing in a rural patch of West Texas will hold the seized immigrant children that cannot fit in existing shelters. Jack Denton
Economics Legal Experts From Both Sides of the Political Spectrum Come Out in Support of the ACA’s Constitutionality The group of experts includes both fierce advocates of the ACA and fierce opponents. Dwyer Gunn
News in Brief Argentina’s Lower House Votes to Legalize Early Term Abortion If the historic bill passes the senate, Argentina's president has promised to sign it into law. Jack Denton
Economics The Federal Reserve Raises Interest Rates The move was widely expected due to the strengthening economy and low unemployment. Dwyer Gunn
Environment Germany Fines Volkswagen $1.2 Billion for Cheating Diesel Emissions Because of Volkswagen's deceptive actions, 10.7 million defective vehicles were sold to customers around the world. Ashley Hackett
News in Brief Puerto Rico Releases Records Suggesting a Higher Death Count After Hurricane Maria The records indicate 1,427 more people died on the island in the months following the hurricane than would be expected in a normal year. Francie Diep
News in Brief American Medical Association Endorses Proposals to Curb Gun Violence The American Medical Association came out in support of a slew of progressive proposals to curb gun violence on Tuesday. Kate Wheeling
Social Justice A New Immigration Office Will Crack Down on ‘Citizenship Cheaters’ The federal agency that processes immigration applications is planning to open a Los Angeles-based office to identify Americans accused of "cheating" their way to citizenship. Kate Wheeling
Social Justice A Ruling by Jeff Sessions Could Keep Abuse Victims From Claiming Asylum The ruling will likely be challenged by immigration advocates, who have continually pushed back against Sessions' efforts to tighten immigration laws. Rebecca Worby