Social Justice How to Film Nazis ... And how not to. The rules are changing, just as the human memory of Nazism fades. Michael Scott Moore
Social Justice Sirens and Bells and City-Busting Past The politics of remembering Allied bombing raids in Dresden pokes at the sensitive spots in Germany's democracy. Michael Scott Moore
Social Justice The Backlash of Secondary Anti-Semitism In a German study, the notion of ongoing Holocaust-related suffering among Jews apparently increased feelings of anti-Semitism. Tom Jacobs
News in Brief Joschka Fischer, A Long Strange Political Trip As an anti-party's pre-eminent politician, Joschka Fischer took Germany's Greens out of the wilderness and into real power. But has he become what he once eschewed? Michael Scott Moore
News in Brief Clean Coal’s Great Black Hope Germany's new clean coal "Schwarze Pumpe" plant is not clean yet ... Michael Scott Moore
Environment Nuclear Power? Ja, Maybe Germany's upcoming election has put an unforgiving light on the nuclear phase-out promised in 2001. Michael Scott Moore
Economics Cash for Clunkers: Invitation to Fraud? The Germans already have a program for taking gas guzzlers off the road and replacing them with shiny new cars, but there are some bumps in the road. Michael Scott Moore
Economics Germany’s Fine Failure Feed-in tariffs grow green power but may fall victim to energy politics, German-style. Michael Scott Moore
Environment Electrifying the Developed World The German experience offers an excellent model for creating a solar cell marketplace. John Perlin