News in Brief The American Red Cross CEO Dodges Congressional Questions About Cuts Congressman Bennie Thompson, who asked the charity for details about cuts to services, says he is "troubled" by the lack of answers. Justin Elliott
Social Justice The Nude Video of a 93-Year-Old on Snapchat A nursing assistant has been fired for participating in what is only the most recent in a string of surreptitious recordings by employees of nursing homes and assisted-living centers. Charles Ornstein
Education The Department of Education Demands Greater Accountability From College Accreditors Accreditation agencies have recently come under fire for failing to keep schools accountable. Now the Education Department is looking to change that. Annie Waldman
Environment That Time the Red Cross CEO Tried to Kill a Major Government Investigation Despite public vows of transparency, CEO Gail McGovern lobbied a congressman to spike an inquiry by the Government Accountability Office. Justin Elliott