Education Alone Time Linked to Creativity Unless it's motivated by fear, social withdrawal can be a positive thing. Tom Jacobs
News in Brief Heart Attack Deaths Spike During the Holidays But only a little bit. Happy New Year! By Nathan Collins (Photo: Fox Photos/Getty Images) With all the… Pacific Standard Staff
News in Brief You’re Eating Healthy Over the Holidays? Yeah, Right Research suggests most people aren’t fully truthful when discussing their holiday health habits. By Tom Jacobs (Photo: Dagny… Pacific Standard Staff
News in Brief How to Save the World in Seven Purchases The Pacific Standard reader’s gift guide. By Elena Gooray (Photo: Brain Flakes) Here at Pacific Standard, we believe in… Pacific Standard Staff
News in Brief Santa Claus’ Visits Are Determined by How Rich a Neighborhood Is, Not How Nice the Kids Are Santa’s visits are determined by neighborhood wealth, not children’s naughtiness, public-health researchers find. By Francie Diep (Photo: Kohei314/Flickr)… Pacific Standard Staff
News in Brief The Case for Arguing Politics With Your Family at Thanksgiving This Thanksgiving, skip the extra beer and take the higher ground in your family debate; chances are, your relatives will follow your example. Jared Keller
Social Justice What’s the Best Way to Get People to Stick to Their New Year’s Resolutions? Asking them about their healthy habits, it turns out. Francie Diep
Environment O Christmas Tree! How Evolutionarily Constrained Are Your Branches? A study shows that most of the variation in plants and trees comes down to just two factors: overall size and the "leaf economics spectrum." Nathan Collins
Social Justice Happy Emotional Labor Season, Everybody Distributing emotional labor equally is a great gift for everyone. Francie Diep