Economics A World Tour of Dishonesty A new survey finds a connection between honesty and economic growth—and how wrong our expectations about other countries' trustworthiness are. Nathan Collins
Social Justice When Cooperation Leads to Corruption Researchers created a die-rolling game to show that we're all dirty, dirty liars. Kate Wheeling
Social Justice I’d Never Admit That to My Doctor. But to a Computer? Sure New research finds patients are more likely to respond honestly to personal questions when talking to a virtual human. Tom Jacobs
Social Justice George Washington Trumps Pinocchio When It Comes to Promoting Honesty in Kids Researchers find the classic tale in which the future president admits to bad behavior encourages at least some kids to confess a lie. Tom Jacobs
Social Justice Future Islands, Emo, and How Honesty Became Cool Or: Earnestness is the new black. Kevin Lincoln
Social Justice Placing Hand Over Heart Promotes Honesty Polish researchers find a simple gesture not only conveys the impression of honesty, but also prompts more truthful replies. Tom Jacobs
Social Justice In E-mail, the Truth Is E-lastic People lie more often when using electronic communication, business profs find. Tom Jacobs
Education The Fault Really Does Lie in Our Stars Students who were taught that free will is an illusion were more likely to cheat on tests, according to new research. Tom Jacobs