All over the country low-income citizens are struggling to attain more economic mobility. A new program funded by two large foundations is working to address that.
For an issue on which so many agree—the rent is too damned high, especially in urban areas—housing affordability doesn't present one single obvious fix.
Housing advocates, immigrants' rights groups, social policy think tanks, and public housing management organizations have united in opposition to the rule.
From Sonoma to San Diego, the state faces a massive affordability crisis; across the political gradient, few residents disagree on that, even if they don't see eye to eye on how to solve it.
Middle-class pedestrians sometimes think an iPhone is a luxury for a poor person. In fact, that device can help them find resources, health care, and community.
First Nations reserves residents are often forced to live in arduous conditions due to a system that prevents them from owning land or getting a mortgage.