Social Justice Amid Its War on Fair Housing Protections, HUD Takes a Rare Aggressive Action Against Los Angeles HUD reached a deal with Los Angeles to improve disability access, but has left other discrimination cases unaddressed. Sophie Kasakove
Economics Why Is Trump’s Department of Housing and Urban Development Suing Facebook? The dispute between HUD and Facebook over how advertisers target ads looks to be coming to a head. How did we get here? Ariana Tobin
Economics Modern Redlining Continues to Define Neighborhoods in Cleveland A real estate broker's maps recall the days when certain neighborhoods in the city were denied access to loans based on the demographics of the population. Brentin Mock
Economics Does Segregation Beget Segregation? Two poverty researchers talk about the social forces reinforcing the cycle of segregation. Dwyer Gunn
News in Brief Westchester County’s Ongoing Failure to Support Integrated Housing The Trump administration ended a years-long battle over fair housing, but the promise to end segregation was broken long before that. Joaquin Sapien