News in Brief How Much Does Ideology Matter in Elections? The outcome of the Obama-Romney race was pretty close to what the data had predicted. Seth Masket
Economics Why Conservatives Prefer Walmart to Trader Joe’s New research finds conservatives tend to prefer name-brand products, and are less willing to purchase new or generic brands. Tom Jacobs
Economics On Moral Values, Liberals More Prone to Stereotype Than Conservatives New research finds people on both sides of the ideological divide caricature the other, but those on the far left are the most guilty. Tom Jacobs
News in Brief America’s Increasingly Tribal Electorate A political scientist explains the disconnect between our moderate policy views and our intense hatred for the other side. Tom Jacobs
Economics A Simple Way to Get Conservatives to Support Higher Taxes on the Rich According to new research, changing the way the issue of income inequality is framed moves conservatives closer to a liberal position. Tom Jacobs
Economics Social Networks Degrade Political Thinking New research links suggests that discussing issues with a close-knit group can dampen the sophistication of one’s thinking on politics and public policy. Tom Jacobs
Economics How to Raise a Little Liberal (or Conservative) New research provides confirmation of a decades-old theory: children raised by authoritarian parents are more likely to grow up into right-wingers. Tom Jacobs
Social Justice Why You’re Voting That Way CLICK IMAGE FOR PDF(Designed by Column Five) As the election campaign heats up and attitudes harden, it’s worth… Tom Jacobs
Social Justice Red ‘Facts,’ Blue ‘Facts’: The Psychology of Truthiness New research finds our moral convictions strongly influence what facts we choose to believe regarding a given issue. Tom Jacobs
Social Justice Red States, Blue States, Gray Matter Researchers report people's attitudes toward moral issues can be traced in part to differences in the structure of their brains. Tom Jacobs