Social Justice Geography of Income Equality and Gentrification In a truly global market, the price of real estate doesn't necessarily reflect the ability of those living in the area to afford it. Jim Russell
Education MOOCs Are Going to Make College Even More Expensive Many massive open online courses serve as giant, viral marketing campaigns for universities looking to find even more potential students. Jim Russell
Economics The Benefits of Wealth Inequality (and Why We Should Not Fear It) Whether they are creating jobs or cooperation, new research backs up a positive role for the well-off—up to a point. Michael Todd
News in Brief Senators From Both Parties Do a Fine Job of Kowtowing to the Wealthy It's not news that money buys influence in Washington, D.C. New research suggests that's pretty much a default position the better-off earn by just being better-off. Michael Todd
Economics Latin America is Increasingly Middle Class A few hours ago, the UN’s Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC) issued the encouraging… Marc Herman
News in Brief Both 1 Percent and 47 Percent Skew Blue What do the 1 percent and the 47 percent have in common? They both went for Obama. With… Michael Todd
Economics A Simple Way to Get Conservatives to Support Higher Taxes on the Rich According to new research, changing the way the issue of income inequality is framed moves conservatives closer to a liberal position. Tom Jacobs
Economics You Choose, They Lose: The Psychology of Income Inequality Reminders that our lives are filled with choices lead people to feel less disturbed about inequality, and less likely to support remedies. Tom Jacobs