Clashes broke out in southern India for a second day on January 3rd as Hindu hardliners went on a rampage, seeking to enforce a general shutdown in protest over two women entering Sabarimala Ayyapa.
Three years after India and Bangladesh exchanged exclaves to simplify the world's most complex border, many who chose to move rather than to change their citizenship find that their prospects are not what they'd hoped.
A recent court decision in India could provide some guidelines, but every solution should be based on an individual country's needs, demographics, and history.
A member of the LGBT community celebrates the Supreme Court's decision to strike down a colonial-era ban on gay sex in Mumbai, India, on September 6th, 2018.
Despite a recent government initiative aimed at providing financial services to women in India, the populations most in need of assistance aren't seeing the benefits.
Rescue personnel carry children on their shoulders through flood waters during a rescue operation in Annamanada, a village in India, on August 19th, 2018.