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July/August 2015
35 posts
Shelf Help: ‘Enabling Acts: The Hidden Story of How the Americans With Disabilities Act Gave the Largest U.S. Minority Its Rights’
We see its effects everywhere, even if we don't acknowledge them.
Shelf Help: ‘Not Gay: Sex Between Straight White Men’
Is it possible that, for white men, sex with other men can function as the ultimate re-affirmation of straightness and privilege?
The Hatred of Sound
The clank of silverware, the sound of chewing, and other forms of torture. The trouble with misophonia.
The Connection Between Coal and Politics in Wyoming
In Wyoming, where Philip Anschutz is currently building the largest wind farm in the world, coal, which is cheap and plentiful, is the answer to just about everything.
We Know What’s in Your Medicine Cabinet
Even our most personal health conditions are part of a vast but hidden market for our medical data. Don't we deserve to know about it?
Who’s Reading Your Medical Data?
An early look at a Pacific Standard story that's currently only available to subscribers.