Education One Laptop Per Child Redux Declared dead just two years ago, the plan to provide every child in the developing world with a computer shows signs of life. Jeff Shear
Social Justice Another Cognitive Benefit for Musicians, Athletes New research from Germany finds honing one’s music or sports skills enhances at least one important mental ability. Tom Jacobs
Education Despite Bad Marks, For-Profit Colleges Still Passing While for-profit higher education draws federal ire over student loans and unrealistic promises, the sector still fills an important vocational niche. Emily Badger
Education Music Training Enhances Children’s Verbal Intelligence Canadian researchers report the verbal intelligence of 4- to 6-year-olds rises after only one month of musical training. Tom Jacobs
Education Lee Baca Wants to Educate L.A.’s Prisoners In this Miller-McCune Q&A, Los Angeles County's top cop Lee Baca explains why he wants to offer an education to tens of thousands of prisoners. Vince Beiser
Social Justice Clarity Not Always the Best for Learning Impediments to easy understanding — hard-to-read fonts, hard-to-follow lectures and lessons that are all too soon forgotten — may be the key to really learning something. Nate Kornell
Business & Economics Economics Previous Site Sections The Cash Benefits of a Catholic Education Better teachers in Catholic high schools and more semesters of math and language boost student earnings later in life, a study shows. Melinda Burns
Education How Did Students Become Academically Adrift? "Academically Adrift," a new book on the failures of higher education, finds that undergrads don't study, and professors don't make them. Melinda Burns
Education Derek Bok on Fixing College Failure Harvard University President Emeritus Derek Bok says college professors don't challenge their students because they don't know how. Melinda Burns
Education The Educational Gap for Infants Genes for mental ability get a boost from socioeconomic status in a study of baby twins. Melinda Burns