Economics Regarding Libya An open thread: The attack that killed US Ambassador Christopher Stevens and three of his staff appears to… Marc Herman
Social Justice Gadhafi: Another Dead Despot, Another Hidden Body Moammar Gadhafi’s secret burial adds another chapter on how victors treat the bodies of their opposition’s leadership. Michael Todd
Social Justice Post-Gadhafi: What’s Next for Libya’s Government? As our correspondent in Libya has learned, rushing to the ballot box might be the biggest mistake there is. Marc Herman
News in Brief How Moammar Gadhafi Lashes Out At Western Governments to Distract Libyans At Home "Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain!" shout embattled Middle Eastern potentates grasping for a second lease on life by playing the "Wag the Dog" card. John A. Tures
Economics Report: Europe Competed to Sell Libya Weapons An international report on arms transfers suggests Europeans were eager to sell weapons to Gadhafi before Libya's uprising this winter. Melinda Burns
Economics Media and Revolution 2.0: Tiananmen to Tahrir New media inspires new generation to protest? It’s an old trope, argues a China scholar taking a practiced eye at the turmoil in the Arab world. Jeffrey Wasserstrom