Economics Overwritten, Maybe, But Less Overwrought Researchers mining a Google books database report a decline in mood-related words in English-language books over the past 100 years. Tom Jacobs
Social Justice India, China, and the Importance of Storytelling Katherine Boo's debut book “Behind the Beautiful Forevers” is a powerful story set in a Mumbai slum, and a reminder of how important stories about ordinary people can be. Angilee Shah
Social Justice Computer Determines If Torah Is Mosaic … or a mosaic A computer analysis of the text of the first five books of the Bible determines at least two hands working on the scrolls. Michael Haederle
Social Justice Dr. Seuss Analyzed for Political, Social Effects From there to here, from here to there, researchers find that Dr. Seuss is — in political, social, psychological and even business terms — everywhere. Tom Jacobs
Economics Memorable Stories of 2009 A host of meaningful stories from's second full year on the Web. Michael Todd
Social Justice This Is Your Brain on Kafka Does absurdist literature make you smarter? Giraffe carpet cleaner, it does! Tom Jacobs
Social Justice Cracking the Case of Chekhov’s Ambiguity As a birthday gift to Anton Chekhov, let’s try and get the gist of his famous plays right… Elicia Bryant
Social Justice The Nobel and Literature’s Third Rail No country is an island, a poet might say, but the insularity of the U.S. has raised some hackles. Emily Badger