Social Justice A Major Chicago Public-Housing Lawsuit Is Wrapping Up. The Segregation It Fought Against Lives on. Over 50 years after the "Gautreaux" case began, the city's neighborhoods remain divided along racial lines. Sophie Kasakove
News in Brief Viewfinder Viewfinder: Visiting the Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial in Washington, D.C. People visit the Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial in Washington, D.C., for Martin Luther King Day on January 21st, 2019. Pacific Standard Staff
Education A Martin Luther King Jr. Day Civil Rights Reading List Pacific Standard asked civil rights experts to share their picks of the most essential literature on the movement. Kate Wheeling
Social Justice Marking the 50th Anniversary of Martin Luther King Jr.’s Death in Atlanta Hours before a televised ceremony, the sites of King's crypt and church saw a steady stream of visitors. Francie Diep
Education Why Facile Histories of Civil Rights Are So Dangerous The historian debunks myths around civil rights history and makes the case for why a more honest history is key to moving forward. Brandon Tensley
Social Justice How James Baldwin Gives Our Problem Back to Us In recent years, American audiences have embraced Baldwin more fully than ever before. Brandon Tensley
Social Justice Confessions of a White Professor How Ferguson, John Roberts, and an anonymous student helped me understand diversity in the classroom. Margaret Williamson
News in Brief For Most, There’s Never a Right Time to Protest Every important movement faces significant push-back; that doesn't mean it won't succeed. Seth Masket
Social Justice Datebook: What’s Happening in July and August—and Why It Matters From the Twelfth Annual World UFO Day to the Running of the Bulls, events you should be aware of. Pacific Standard Staff
Social Justice Is ‘Grit & Grind’ Fair to Memphis Sports? A local historian certainly doesn't think so. Ryan O'Hanlon