Environment Do Animals Prefer Smarter Mates? A recent paper has revealed the first direct link (in a non-human species) between female mating preference and intelligence. Therese Koch
Social Justice The Sad Cycle of Romantic Rejection Sorry, guys: For women, being rebuffed by Dr. McDreamy doesn't make Mr. McAverage seem any more appealing. Tom Jacobs
Health & Behavior News in Brief Previous Site Sections The Erotic Appeal of War Heroes Forget Dr. McDreamy: McMedal of Honor Winner gets his pick of the ladies. Tom Jacobs
Social Justice Musicians May Not Have Better Sex Lives After All New research throws doubt on the notion that musical ability indicates strong potential as a romantic partner. Tom Jacobs
Environment Pig Sex Is Becoming a Thing of the Past Artificial insemination is much more efficient. Sujata Gupta
Social Justice The Mating Advantage of Male Musicians Studies from two countries suggest women are more attracted to a man if he’s holding a guitar. Tom Jacobs
Economics Gay Men, Straight Women: What’s the Attraction? New research suggests at least part of the answer lies in their ability to give one another trustworthy mating advice. Tom Jacobs
Economics Chasing the Wrong Guys? Blame Your Hormones Many ovulating women are deluded into thinking a merely desirable man is actually a good potential mate. Tom Jacobs
Social Justice Violence and Aggression Linked to Mating in Men’s Minds A psychology study from Hong Kong suggests that, among men, the impulses to make love and war are deeply intertwined. Tom Jacobs
Social Justice Romantic Rivals Spur Religiosity The realization there's a lot of competition out there for a mate appears to increase one's religious intensity. Tom Jacobs