Economics How Astronauts Compare to the Rest of the U.S. Workforce 0.00003 percent of working Americans are astronauts. Francie Diep
Environment 2015 Was the Hottest Year in History Fifteen of the 16 warmest years on record have occurred since 2001. Madeleine Thomas
Environment El Niño Isn’t Letting Up Forecasters predict the United States still has yet to experience the brunt of its erratic weather. Madeleine Thomas
Environment Are the World’s Lakes in Danger? According to new research, we can now add the world's freshwater lakes to the ever-growing list of at-risk environmental entities. Madeleine Thomas
Environment Hello, El Niño: The Pacific Ocean Is Looking a Lot Like It Did in 1997 Forecasters say we have a 95 percent chance of having an El Niño event this winter, but predicting its local effects is iffier. Francie Diep
Environment See an Open Northwest Passage From Space This month, the Arctic will likely have some of the lowest levels of ice on record. Francie Diep
Environment How the West’s Wildfires Look From Space Some of the fires are creating enough heat to compete with major cities at night. Francie Diep
Environment De-Funding Climate Change Research Climate change deniers in Congress complain about a lack of data while trying to de-fund NASA’s climate change research. Brian Palmer
Social Justice What Spending a Year in Space Does to Your Mind It's stressful, but transcendental too. Francie Diep
Environment Lord of the Tree Rings Benjamin Cook looks at ancient trees to forecast future droughts. His latest findings are not good news for the West. Alisa Opar