A study of nursing homes near the nuclear site suggest the physical and mental stress of evacuation took more years off people's lives than radiation will.
As Japan shuts down the last of its nuclear reactors, Germany shows the way to an energy-efficient future with its rapid timetable for conversion to renewables.
The 10-day long protest at the Diablo Canyon Nuclear Power Plant 30 years ago this month may have been the most significant anti-nuclear power demonstration ever held in the U.S.
Nuclear engineer Cesare Silvi studied unlikely outside threats to nuclear plants in Italy, which soured him on the energy source and caused him to go solar.
Over its short lifetime, nuclear power has migrated from being the miracle of America's energy future to an at times unruly nuclear demon, says historian Patrick McCray.
In this last of a three-part podcast, Dr. Theo Theofanous talks about the health impacts of radiation leaking from the crippled Japanese nuclear power plant and about the future of nuclear power.