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28 posts
Why Women Aren’t Welcome on the Internet
"Ignore the barrage of violent threats and harassing messages that confront you online every day." That's what women are told. But these relentless messages are an assault on women's careers, their psychological bandwidth, and their freedom to live online. We have been thinking about Internet harassment all wrong.
Is Online Dating Really the Future of Marriage Matchmaking?
A new study suggests that if you're genuinely interested in defending marriage, traditional or otherwise, then start an online dating service.
Teens Care About Online Privacy—Just Not the Same Way You Do
Why do teenagers behave the way that they do online, sharing personal information with just about anybody who wants it? Look to the privacy paradox.
Can Facebook Promote Safe Sex?
New research shows mixed results when high-risk teenagers are targeted with online public health initiatives.
Science Posters Given a New Life Online
A cool new project dubbed Skolr promises to spread the latest science farther and faster by bringing science's ubiquitous poster sessions online.
Tribes of the 21st Century
An essay collection makes the case that, in the digital age, community is more a matter of ideas than of geography. Even if the idea is a Nigerian e-mail scam.
Take Your Time Reading Online
Readers are willing to spend more time with a story online instead of the print version, a senior…