Environment Are Orcas Responsible for a Shrinking Pacific King Salmon Population? New research suggests that Chinook salmon are being run down by a growing population of killer whales. Alastair Bland
Environment Why Do Most Orca Pregnancies End in Miscarriage? Look Upstream. Orcas are losing their babies at an unprecedented rate. The solution may lie 400 miles away. Hanna Brooks Olsen
News in Brief Was Shamu a Legal Person? Re-visiting animal rights in the wake of SeaWorld's decision to end its orca shows. Allison Shapiro
Environment Why Do Circus Elephants Get All the Sympathy? Ringling Bros.' decision to retire its elephants has been met with near-universal approval. Why do far fewer people care about the animals being slaughtered on a daily basis? Wes Judd
Economics Killer Whales are Momma’s Boys And apple pie Via Science 2.0: Marine biologists have determined that male killer whales have an apron strings… Marc Herman