Social Justice What Influences Whether Owners Pick Up After Their Dogs? The presence or absence of suitable receptacles for bags is not the whole picture. Zazie Todd
Social Justice How Clever Do You Think Your Dog Is? Maybe as smart as a four-year-old child? Zazie Todd
Social Justice My Dog Comes First: The Importance of Pets to Homeless Youth Dogs and cats have both advantages and disadvantages for street-involved youth. Zazie Todd
Environment Can Dogs, Cats, and Cows Predict Earthquakes? A study out of Japan earlier this year surveyed pet owners about strange behaviors demonstrated before the magnitude 9 earthquake in 2011. Zazie Todd
Social Justice Does Being Cruel to Animals as a Kid Predict Later Criminal Behavior? The popular press often reminds us of the graduation hypothesis, but there's more to it than that. Zazie Todd
Social Justice Do Dogs Get That Eureka! Feeling? Successful problem solving makes dogs happy. Zazie Todd
Social Justice Dog Training, Animal Welfare, and the Human-Canine Relationship New research supports the idea that positive reinforcement is best for both animal welfare and strengthening our relationship with our pets. Zazie Todd