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103 posts
Don’t Dismiss the Teens
The adults so fond of dismissing difficult teens might miss the irony that this is a distrusting and non-collaborative approach to their development.
The Tribal Rites of Motherhood on Manhattan’s Upper East Side
Wednesday Martin channels Jane Goodall as she attempts to gain access to a very select group.
When the Press Puts Private Decisions About Pregnancy and Parenting Up for Public Debate, Women Lose
Reporters should go easy on the sanctimony and fear mongering as they frame articles on pregnancy and childrearing.
Brutal Kinship
An early look at a Pacific Standard story that's currently only available to subscribers.
Five ‘Pacific Standard’ Stories for Father’s Day
Modern fatherhood means grappling with changing gender norms.
Why Most Men Think They’re Over-Working as Parents When, Quantitatively, This Isn’t True
Men constantly over-estimate their performance in the areas of household work and childcare (and just about everything else too) because society congratulates them for doing these things at all.
Same-Sex Parents Spend More Time With Their Children
Women in different-sex and same-sex relationships do not differ in the amount of time they spend in child-focused activities. It's the heterosexual men who aren't making the time for their kids.
Forever Young
Billy Boy can't work a TV remote or read or dress himself, but he's irresistibly charming.
Subsisting on the Faves
Posting teen angst poetry and being part of an active commenting community helped Christine Friar digest the garden-variety pain of growing up, and—unbeknownst to her at the time—curbed the loneliness of being raised by one sick parent and one caretaker parent.