Environment Almost All of the Plastic Produced Since 1950 Is Still Sitting in Landfills The man-made material basically never breaks down, but we keep making more and more of it. Kate Wheeling
News in Brief The Mental-Health Hazards of Waitressing at Hooters New research finds heightened levels of anxiety and eating disorders among women who waited tables at restaurants that require skimpier uniforms. Tom Jacobs
Education Why Don’t We Know More About Sexual Harassment of Grad Students by Faculty? A new study reveals that the problem is worse than you think, and likely much worse than we can tell from available data. Michael Fitzgerald
Social Justice Viewfinder: Jewish Mourning in Argentina A man prays in front of the Argentine Israelite Mutual Association Jewish community center during the commemoration of the 23rd anniversary of the terrorist bombing attack that killed 85 people and injured 300, in Buenos Aires on July 18th, 2017. Pacific Standard Staff
Economics Closing Pot Dispensaries Increases Neighborhood Crime Medical marijuana outlets increase street traffic, which deters potential criminals. Tom Jacobs
News in Brief Viewfinder: Fighting Fires in France Firefighters use a hose to spray water as they fight against a fire in Castagniers, France, on July 17th, 2017. Pacific Standard Staff
News in Brief The Upside of Neuroticism A big new study from the U.K. presents evidence that some neurotic people live longer lives. Tom Jacobs
News in Brief Viewfinder: Farming in India A farmer sprays insecticide onto crops in a paddy field on the outskirts of Amritsar, India, on July 16th, 2017. Pacific Standard Staff
News in Brief The Week in Photos: From a Confederate Flag Rally in South Carolina to a Baby Race in New York A round-up of images from Viewfinder, Pacific Standard's daily photo feature. Pacific Standard Staff
News in Brief Could Yoga Delay Cognitive Decline? Veteran practitioners had increased thickness in a brain region linked to language and memory. Tom Jacobs