News in Brief Firearms Injuries Decline During NRA Conventions Researchers have found new evidence that, while guns make some people feel safer, they're actually dangerous to be around. Tom Jacobs
Education Why School Shootings Produce More Political Polarization Thoughts of death inspire us to cling more tightly to the beliefs that give our lives meaning—including our ideological stances. Tom Jacobs
News in Brief Here’s More Evidence That an Assault Weapons Ban Would Decrease School-Shooting Deaths Research suggests other forms of gun control constitute an ineffective response. Tom Jacobs
News in Brief Is the Secret to Solving the Opioid Crisis More Opioids? Medication-assisted treatment in Rhode Island's prisons is preventing overdose deaths among the recently incarcerated. Kevin Charles Fleming
Social Justice War May Be Closer Than We Think A new analysis warns us that the period of relative peace since the end of World War II may be an aberration. Tom Jacobs
News in Brief How the Intolerable Becomes Acceptable New evidence of our strong psychological need to rationalize the status quo. Tom Jacobs
Environment In Promoting Green Behaviors, Pride Beats Guilt New research suggests a shift in pro-environmental messaging. Tom Jacobs
News in Brief Inside the Minds of Hardcore Trump Supporters New research finds the president's earliest and strongest followers embody a particularly belligerent strain of authoritarian thinking. Tom Jacobs
News in Brief The Emotional Roots of Political Polarization New research argues feelings of disillusionment prompt people to take more extreme positions. Tom Jacobs
News in Brief Being Multilingual May Protect Against Alzheimer’s Disease New research suggests it creates a cognitive reserve the brain can utilize when other regions start to decay. Tom Jacobs