Pete Peterson, a declared candidate for California Secretary of State, argues that conservatives, as defenders of institutions, are in a unique position to deal with our mistrust of government—if only they can shift their focus.
New research finds households headed by Democrats use less electricity than those headed by Republicans, apparently due to lower use of air conditioning.
Instead of party leaders selecting members of Congress to form a super committee to hash out problems, Steven J. Brahms suggests full houses of Congress make the picks using the minimax procedure.
In a lesson taught by schools of fish, researchers determine that uninformed individuals are actually a benefit to democracy by sanding off extreme views.
The Bipartisan Policy Center, a think tank founded four years ago by four former U.S Senate majority leaders, works to overcome political polarization.
A comprehensive look at voter behavior and demographics reveals a momentous prospect: A Hispanic electorate that votes en masse, allies itself with one political party and changes America's political balance for decades.