News in Brief Don’t Worry About the Human Gene Pool Modern medicine may or may not be changing the evolutionary process, but we shouldn’t care. By Michael White… Pacific Standard Staff
Environment How to Win a Science Contest Your best strategy depends on whether you're an outsider—but don't forget the hard work. Nathan Collins
Education Have American Schoolteachers Subconsciously Absorbed Climate-Denying Dogma? We don't let flat-Earthers influence our science curricula. So why should climate skeptics have a say? Jeff Turrentine
Environment Is It Time for Biologists to Stop Thinking About Race? While social scientists should continue to study the social meaning of race, the concept has no place in biology, scientists argue. Nathan Collins
Social Justice My Big Night Out Playing With the Nightingales of Berlin Spoiler alert: We laid down some serious tracks. David Rothenberg
Environment How the Term ‘Anti-Science’ Distorts America’s Relationship With Technology Placed in historical perspective, the popular opposition to things like GMOs and vaccines, much like 19th-century opposition to fertilizers and insecticides, reflects less an overt rejection of science than a distrust of experts who peddle it. James McWilliams
Environment Ten Times Science Made Us Feel Better About Humanity in 2015 A toast to this year's most awesome science headlines. Madeleine Thomas
Economics A Better Measure of the Return on Investment America Gets From Funding Research Follow the people, not the papers. Francie Diep
Social Justice Why We’re All Mutants We all carry genetic mutations, and new studies are revealing their impact. Michael White
Environment Could Climate Change Trigger Another Genocide? Historian and author Timothy Snyder discusses climate change, genocide, and the ideology of Hitler. Brian Palmer