Today's farmers are using all of the technology at their disposal to increase yields, which is critical if we hope to feed a rapidly growing population. But digitally driven farming is not without its potential downsides.
A new professional class of movers and shakers—people who serve overlapping roles in government, business, and media with smiling finesse—is controlling the flow of power and money in America. The anthropologist Janine Wedel is bent on making us understand just how dangerous this new normal can be.
What you need to know about Candy: A Century of Panic and Pleasure, Scarcity: Why Having Too Little Means So Much, and War Play: Video Games and the Future of Armed Conflict.
The good news: Economists are starting to come up with some decent theories as to why this recovery is so bad at generating employment. Now here's the bad news.
Your DNA is not a blueprint. Day by day, week by week, your genes are in a conversation with your surroundings. Your neighbors, your family, your feelings of loneliness: They don't just get under your skin, they get into the control rooms of your cells. Inside the new social science of genetics.