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273 posts
That Cigarette Would Make a Great Water Filter
Clean out the ashtray, add some aluminum oxide, and you've (almost) got yourself a low-cost way to remove arsenic from drinking water.
She’s Cheating on Him, You Can Tell Just by Watching Them
New research suggests telltale signs of infidelity emerge even in a three- to five-minute video.
Love and Hate in Israel and Palestine
Psychologists find that parties to a conflict think they're motivated by love while their enemies are motivated by hate.
When Disease Becomes Political: The Likely Electoral Fallout From Ebola
Will voters blame President Obama—and punish Democrats in the upcoming mid-term elections—for a climate of fear?
How to Water a Farm in Sandy Ground
Physicists investigate how to grow food more efficiently in fine-grained soil.
Can Science Fiction Spur Science Innovation?
Without proper funding, the answer might not even matter.
Faster Justice, Closer to Home: The Power of Community Courts
Community courts across the country are fighting judicial backlog and lowering re-arrest rates.
Personality Traits Linked to Specific Diseases
New research finds neurotic people are more likely to suffer a serious health problem.