Environment What Happens When You Put Cameras on Cops? According to a study released in November, body cameras can help drastically reduce levels of violence by—and against—cops. Max Ufberg
Social Justice Let Them Eat Quiche: How the Local Food Movement Swerved Right The quest to localize fresh food is as much an anti-big-ag endeavor as it is an anti-regulatory one. James McWilliams
Environment We Need to Get Better at Password Protection This whole Sony hack should teach us, above all else, a lesson on password security. Max Ufberg
Social Justice Most Diabetic Seniors Think Health Tracking Apps Are a Good Idea But almost none of them actually use apps to help manage their diabetes. Bettina Chang
Economics Stop Trying to Be the ‘Next Silicon Valley’ American cities often try to mimic their more economically successful counterparts. A new study suggests that it's time to stop. Max Ufberg
News in Brief Politicians Gonna Politic Is there something to the idea that a politician who no longer faces re-election is free to pursue new policy solutions without needing to kowtow to special interests? Seth Masket
Environment Don’t Text and Drive—Especially If You’re Old A new study shows that texting while driving becomes even more dangerous with age. Max Ufberg
Environment All That ‘Call of Duty’ With Your Friends Has Not Made You a More Violent Person But all that solo Call of Duty has. Paul Bisceglio
Economics Apparently You Can Bring Your Religion to Work New research says offices that encourage talk of religion actually make for happier workplaces. Max Ufberg
Social Justice The Very Weak and Complicated Links Between Mental Illness and Gun Violence Vanderbilt University’s Jonathan Metzl and Kenneth MacLeish address our anxieties and correct our assumptions. Lauren Kirchner