Social Justice How Talent Migration Facilitates the Diffusion of Globalization Openness to immigration behaves in the same way as openness to trade. Jim Russell
Social Justice Connecting Neighborhoods, Not Nations: Small Geographic Scales of Globalization The financial crisis turned the world upside down. Jim Russell
Social Justice What Talent Shortage? The Great American Brain Waste of Our Captive Labor Market Our biggest businesses complain about a shortage of skilled labor. Instead of calling on the government to act, they should consider workplace policies that are friendlier to women and immigrants. Jim Russell
Social Justice The Era of Dying Places: Everyone Is Starved for Talent, but Migration Is a Thing of the Past What happens when a place is no longer able to attract more people? Jim Russell
Social Justice Why the United States Will Rule the Legacy Economy Talent is the new oil, and our universities—talent production facilities—are the best in the world. Jim Russell
Social Justice Why Technology Firms Are Moving Downtown Young and inexperienced (and cheap) talent has never wanted to live in the suburbs. It's just not cool. Jim Russell
Economics Creative Class Myths About Talent Are young, college-educated people attracted to amenities? Or are they attracted to economic opportunity? Jim Russell
Economics ‘The New York Times’ Is Dying Hardly. Brain drain is an indicator of success, a sure sign of a talent refinery at work. Jim Russell
Economics When Jobs Follow People Talent moves for reasons other than employment. And sometimes they even bring jobs with them. Jim Russell