A tiny fee charged to the biggest banks could generate hundreds of billions of dollars every year for social services, but what effect would it have on Wall Street?
Kickstarter and Indiegogo together bring in more than half a billion dollars annually for creators, but a new wave of crowd-funding sites are hoping to correct for some of their flaws.
With the rise of the invisible economy, the value of social media companies is judged less on their products than on their ability to attract users like you.
As Washington and Colorado attempt to build marijuana-based industries that are still seen as illegal in the eyes of the feds, those involved in the business of pot are finding themselves targeted by crooks and government officials alike.
After watching it survive Chinese legislation that attempted to ban the use of virtual currencies, we’re much closer to positive that Bitcoin is here to stay for good.
The primary goal of money is to connect disparate individuals and groups, giving them a universal medium of exchange in the form of an object or symbol that all parties value.