After the recent Supreme Court decision, clinics will likely have to turn to injunctions to keep protesters away, taking on the additional expense themselves or passing it on to those they serve.
In a unanimous decision that went far further than most anticipated, the Supreme Court ruled that law enforcement officers must obtain a warrant before searching a cell phone—even after arresting its owner.
The theories and policies that govern American adoptions are out of date. At least until they’re changed—to keep state and private agencies from applying the law in such a way as to prioritize heterosexual couples—you can expect the outgoing adoption industry to continue growing, raising important questions about race and rights.
As a new class-action lawsuit out of California’s infamous Pelican Bay State Prison that may definitively determine the future of solitary in that state moves forward, more people are taking the position that the practice amounts to inhumane punishment.
In a 5-4 decision, the SCOTUS blocked a conservative effort to overturn a law that makes it illegal to buy a gun for someone else. While the ruling maintains the status quo by preserving long-standing legislation, it opens the door for stricter limits on gun ownership.