Premium PS Picks PS Picks: Caity Weaver on Cardi B for ‘GQ’ PS Picks is a selection of the best things that the magazine's staff and contributors are reading, watching, or otherwise paying attention to in the worlds of art, politics, and culture. Ashley Hackett
Economics Does the Finance Industry Benefit Society? Economist Luigi Zingales occupies Wall Street. Jay Livingston
Environment This Is Not an Ad Despite the recent commotion, native advertising's been around for a long time. Paul Hiebert
News in Brief Mapping the Laws, Lobbying, and Life-Altering Consequences of Guns Some recent attempts to quantify the chaos. Lauren Kirchner
Economics ‘The New York Times’ Is Dying Hardly. Brain drain is an indicator of success, a sure sign of a talent refinery at work. Jim Russell
Social Justice We Are Not the Sum Total of Our Parts Angelina Jolie is no less a woman without her natural breasts than the Boston victims are less than human without their legs. Ford Vox
Social Justice The Tip Jar Shall be the Downfall of this Great Republic, Evidence from 2012 and 1916 Tipping is an aristocratic conceit — “There you go, my good man, buy your starving family a loaf”… John Gravois