Social Justice There’s a Name for How Our Language Evolves When It Acquires Negative Connotations And it's called the euphemism treadmill. Michael Fitzgerald
Economics There’s a Name for the Material Things You Desire Even More After Their Price Goes Up And they're called Veblen goods. Peter C. Baker
Social Justice There’s a Name for Why We Give Too Much Weight to the Opinions of Others And it's called equality bias. Peter C. Baker
Social Justice There’s a Name for Why We So Often Fail to Predict What Will Improve Our Future Happiness And it's called miswanting. Michael Fitzgerald
Social Justice There’s a Name for Why We Retreat and Withdraw From Others Even When We Desire Companionship And it's called the porcupine problem. Michael Fitzgerald
Environment There’s a Name for Why We So Often Don’t Notice Long-Term—and Worrisome—Trends And it's called shifting baseline syndrome. Pacific Standard Staff
Social Justice There’s a Name for Why the Simplest Questions Sometimes Seem Like They’re the Trickiest to Answer And it's called the Moses Illusion. Pacific Standard Staff