Social Justice Of Obesity, Sweets and Numb Tongues Corpulence leads to an increased craving for sweets, and it may be because our taste receptors need an extra jolt. Matt Palmquist
Social Justice Sugar Addiction is Real A Princeton University presents evidence that sugar can be physically addictive. Tom Jacobs
Social Justice The Cockroach-Asthma Connection Research points to a link between exposure to cockroaches and mice and respiratory diseases in young children. Matt Palmquist
Environment Human Deafness and the Ear Hair of Mice About six out of 10 people who are older than 70 struggle with progressive hearing loss. Environmental factors… Matt Palmquist
Social Justice Vitamin B3 Shows Potential as Alzheimer’s Treatment University of California, Irvine, researchers have launched a clinical study to determine whether high doses of an over-the-counter… Matt Palmquist
Social Justice Is a Mother’s Weight Programmed Into Her Kids? The fetuses of obese mother rats are programmed in utero to develop adulthood obesity, according to new research… Matt Palmquist
Social Justice A New Hope for Human Malaria Vaccine Dutch researchers have characterized a large number of parasite proteins that could prove useful in the development of a human malaria vaccine. Matt Palmquist
Social Justice Solving the Mystery of Christmas Island’s Disappearing Rats In these blog parts, we’re used to tales of direct, Darwinian competition between native rodents and intruders, but… Matt Palmquist
Social Justice If You’re Going to Test Rodents, Please, Do it Right If rodent trials were better designed, the cost and time required to develop cancer drugs could be significantly… Matt Palmquist
Social Justice Good News for the Rapidly Dwindling Red Squirrel Let's take a brief detour from 'Today In Mice' to look at what's happening in the world of squirrels. Matt Palmquist