Social Justice Media as Both Weapon and Defense in the Mexican Drug War The impact of social media and the press on the drug war, and vice versa. Lauren Kirchner
Social Justice Retweeting the Classics Bookish joke-accounts—and the serious people behind them. Ted Scheinman
Economics What Are You Worth as a Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, or Instagram User? With the rise of the invisible economy, the value of social media companies is judged less on their products than on their ability to attract users like you. Kyle Chayka
Social Justice Narcissists’ New Need: More Twitter Followers New research provides evidence that narcissism, and the resultant need for admiration, drives tweeting. Tom Jacobs
Environment Time Travelers From the Future Are Not on Twitter An attempt to locate chrononauts on the Internet has failed. Ryan Jacobs
Social Justice Your Privacy Settings Make No Sense Recent and ongoing research on our privacy paradoxes. Chris Berdik
Books & Culture News in Brief Previous Site Sections The Lonely Crowd of Social Media What can a more-than-60-year-old book tell us about Twitter and Facebook? Paul Hiebert
Environment I Kind of, Sort of Might, But Not Really, Believe in Astrology With little to no scientific evidence backing them, why do so many people still look at their horoscopes? Katie Heaney
Social Justice #Censored: Tracking Blocked Searches on China’s Homegrown Version of Twitter Hair bacon, Tigger, Falun Gong: On Sina Weibo, you've got to be careful what you say. Robyn Jodlowski
Social Justice How the Internet Makes Us Overshare Does the Web just make the loudest of us even louder—or is it changing the way we all see ourselves? Paul Hiebert