Environment A Short Sequence of Fish DNA Could Change Our Understanding of Virus Reproduction Researchers in Tokyo discovered a strain of herpes contained in a "jumping gene" found in fish and humans—the implications are still unknown. Dan Samorodnitsky
Social Justice Will the Zika Virus Outbreak Change Minds About GMOs? The Zika virus outbreak in the Americas hits on the things that risk-perception researchers know worry people most. Will that be enough to overcome people's fears about genetically modified mosquitoes? Francie Diep
Environment Viruses Inspire an Innovative Cloaking Device for Medicine Viruses are pretty damn good at evading our immune systems, so researchers co-opted their design. John Upton
Social Justice The Germ Theory of Democracy, Dictatorship, and All Your Most Cherished Beliefs Is culture just a side effect of the struggle to avoid disease? Ethan Watters