Social Justice Childhood ADHD Tied to Obesity Decades Later On a new survey, men with a history of ADHD reported weighing 213 pounds, on average, and 41 percent of them were obese. Genevra Pittman
Economics Lose All Your Weight, Fly for Free Under a new pay-per-kilogram system, ghosts will be able to fly for nothing. Ryan O'Hanlon
Economics Chick Lit May Be Hazardous to Your Self-Esteem New research suggests novels in which characters agonize about their bodies lead female readers to worry about their own weight. Tom Jacobs
Social Justice Large Looks Lovely to the Stressed-Out Male A new study from England finds men who have just sweated through a tough assignment are more likely to find overweight women attractive. Tom Jacobs
Social Justice Thinner Wife, Happier Marriage Researchers find marriages tend to be more satisfying for both spouses when the wife is thinner than the husband. Tom Jacobs
Economics For Older Women, Up Side to Body Fat A new study suggests body fat may moderate post-menopausal mental decline. Tom Jacobs
Social Justice Hungry Men Love Larger Ladies What's your idea of an ideal mate? The answer may depend upon whether your stomach is rumbling. Tom Jacobs
Social Justice The Danger of Fat-Think Believing you're fat may be more emotionally damaging than actually being obese. Valerie Brown
Social Justice Policy-Heavy Play 'Fatworld' shows video games can tackle (urp) weighty issues. Tom Jacobs