Environment On Snake Smuggling, Lion Killing, and Fish Crimes The Lacey Act, a 115-year-old law that seeks to protect threatened species, is still going strong. Lauren Kirchner
Environment So You Want to Talk About Lions… If #CeciltheLion got you mad about big cat trophies, wait until you hear what they’re doing with the bones. Jason Bittel
Social Justice Can an Animal Have Rights and Still Be Dinner? The answer is a very qualified yes. James McWilliams
Social Justice A Short History of Trophy Hunting in America Since the mid-1800s, hunting trophies—taxidermied remains of wild animals—have served as symbolic proof of one’s "manliness." Lisa Wade
Environment Plight of the Panther: What Happens When Preserving a Species Makes It Unpopular? Some Floridians have turned on their once-beloved state cat. Kim Tingley
Environment Would a High-Tech Solution—3-D Rhino Horns—Curb Poaching or Put Wild Animals at Greater Risk? To try and curb demand for black-market rhino horn, a bioengineering start-up is making 3-D substitutes. Alisa Opar
Environment Why Aren’t Ethics and Morality Considered Relevant in Debates Over Wildlife Culls? The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers is in the process of killing thousands of cormorants without even considering the ethics. Brian Palmer
Economics How the Internet Has Made Wildlife Smuggling a ‘Low-Risk Activity’ Smugglers are using sites like eBay and Etsy to sell their animal captives. Francie Diep
Environment The BP Deepwater Horizon Disaster Isn’t Over for the Gulf’s Whales and Dolphins We’re still coming to terms with what toxins from the BP spill might be doing to the Gulf of Mexico's wildlife. Jason Bittel
Environment OMG, Who Wants Some #RhinoHorn? Social media and e-commerce sites are the new battlegrounds for the illegal wildlife trade. Jason Bittel