The large, wild cat native to North America goes by many names—wildcat, catamount, panther, mountain lion—but, technically, none of those are correct. How do we have such varied interpretations of an animal we rarely still interact with?
For the most part, Americans are in broad agreement about political concepts. We believe that individuals have certain natural rights, and that the purpose of government is to serve and protect its citizens. But when you get to the specifics....
With nearly 2.5 billion materials circulated through more than 16,000 public branches, 2013 was one of the strongest years for libraries in the past decade. And things are looking up.
An analysis of state-level data confirms some things you already know—basically everyone in the Midwest is friendly and conventional—but also suggests ways to use our psychological characteristics to spur economic development.
As hedge funds, private equity firms, and other asset managers that make up the shadow banking system gradually take over the role of lending, their risks—and the borrowed money they use to make them—are largely shielded from view.