Environment The Complicated Science—and Conflict—Behind Identifying the First Native Americans Genetic studies of living Native Americans and ancient remains are revising our theories about America’s first inhabitants. Michael White
Education Genes May Cause Educational Struggles for More People Than We Ever Expected A study finds a new link between mutations and intellectual disability, but that doesn’t mean we should ignore non-genetic factors. Michael White
Environment How to Change the Centuries-Old Model of Academic Publishing Academic publishing has been slow to make use of social media, but new experiments could push the industry—and science—forward. Michael White
Environment Why Curiosity Should Drive Our Scientific Agenda Basic research can seem wasteful, but politicians should resist the temptation to set science’s priorities. Michael White
Environment Do We Need Formal Quality Standards for Science? New guidelines proposed by the National Institutes of Health have already been rejected by several major scientific journals. Michael White
Environment The Debate Over GMOs Is About to Change A new generation of biotechnology crops designed to appeal to consumers is likely to radically change the controversy over GMOs. Michael White
Social Justice The Frustrating Hunt for the Genes That Make Us Human Researchers are finding many genes unique to our species, but so far they reveal little about our most human traits. Michael White
Environment Designer Babies Aren’t Coming Anytime Soon Genetically engineered babies raise a host of disturbing, science fiction-worthy ethical questions, but we have a more mundane and much more urgent issue to consider: safety. Michael White
Social Justice Epigenetics Is Not Revolutionizing Biology But the research is helping us to accept the role that biology plays in our lives and our society. Michael White
Social Justice The Ethical Risks of Detecting Disease Outbreaks With Big Data The stakes of the analysis are much higher when lives are on the line. Michael White