Social Justice Is Strava Taking All of the Joy Out of Running? Why you shouldn't be so focused on the final numbers. Matt Skenazy
Environment Deadlier Than a Hurricane How the science of rip current prediction could save lives Matt Skenazy
Economics The Presidential Debate and the Mom Test Last night a group of Pacific Standard staff members watched the presidential debate together. As news/politics junkies, we… Matt Skenazy
Economics Reading the Great Unread American Novel Without Having to Read Always wanted to read Moby Dick, but never actually wanted to read Moby Dick? Then look no further!… Matt Skenazy
Environment A Salty Solution to Global Warming There is no shortage of ideas bouncing around about what to do with our warming planet–switch to renewables, switch… Matt Skenazy
Environment The Cheapest Way to Fight Climate Change? Block Out the Sun This summer, the volume and extent of arctic sea ice fell to the lowest level on record; America… Matt Skenazy
Economics Yo-yos in Space Anyone worth his or her salt knows their way around a yo-yo. It’s a simple mix of kinetic energy,… Matt Skenazy
Economics Using Google to Map American Stereotypes It’s easy to polarize America–minority/majority, Republican/Democrat, 1 percent/99 percent, religious/atheist, Simpsons-liker/Simpsons-lover. But America is made up of 50… Matt Skenazy
Environment Surfers and Fracking Surfer Chadd Konig first gained national attention when he paddled 315 miles from Santa Barbara, California to Mexico… Matt Skenazy
Social Justice ‘The Pill’ for Men Some 10.7 million American women take an oral contraceptive and soon, many men might, too. Researchers at the… Matt Skenazy